Public Procurement Training
Public Procurement Services provides in-house bespoke procurement training to a wide range of contracting authorities. In response to strong demand, we are now offering these courses online to our clients and all public bodies.
The courses are CPD certified by the Institute of Management Consultants and Advisors.
We are hosting half-day training sessions on the following topics:
- Procurement Basics Refresher Course (Monday, 2nd December)
- Master Class in Tender Evaluation (Thursday, 5th December)
- Navigating the new eTenders Portal (Wednesday, 11th December)
All sessions will be online using Zoom.
The training will begin at 0915hrs and conclude no later than 1300hrs.
Training materials, including the slide presentations, will be made available to all participants on the day.
Course Content
Procurement Basics Refresher Course
- The procurement rules, procedures and best practice
- Sources of information
- Managing a tender competition through all stages
- Pre-tender activity (including market engagement)
- The business case
- Writing technical specifications
- Overview of eTenders
- Green public procurement
- Tender evaluation (open procedure)
- Contract management and performance measurement
- Record keeping
- Common mistakes in procurement
Master Class in Tender Evaluation
- Setting the correct selection and award criteria
- Tender submission opening
- Compliance checks
- Managing a tender evaluation panel – best practice techniques
- Panel members roles and responsibilities
- Scoring methodology
- The evaluation report (using a template)
- Outcome letters using OGP templates
- Handling clarifications
Navigating the new eTenders Portal
- Overview of the main features (and language) of the new system
- Creating users on the system
- Using eTenders for tenders under the EU threshold
- Generating a Call for Tenders (and modifications)
- eForms
- Responding to clarification questions
- Quick Quotes
- Managing evaluations online
- Publishing a Contract Award Notice
Learning Outcomes
Participants on each course will enhance their practical skills to a new level. For example, those on the eTenders course will be able to manage routine tender competitions on the new portal. The basic procurement course will give participants a complete overview of the key facets of procurement based on the latest guidance and best practice techniques. Following the tender evaluation session, participants will have full confidence to manage a tender evaluation in a compliant manner, or participate as a panel member.
The cost is €250 per participant per course. No VAT applies. An invoice will be sent to participants after the course.
To allow for a high level of interaction we are capping attendance at 25 participants for each training session.
Simple – Send an email to indicating the course you are interested in.