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Procurement Training Excellence Programme

Procurement training is a core part of our business. We have provided procurement training (supplies, services and works) to many contracting authorities in the recent past. We are an approved OGP training provider (Lot 3 Framework).

We are a DPS Member under the OGP DPS for procurement in five categories, including general procurement support, training, strategy and works procurement.

Our Collateral

We provide a free copy of our textbook Public Procurement Rules of the Road to course participants. This publication is available in both print and eBook formats and addresses all aspects of public procurement and tendering in Ireland and Northern Ireland in an accessible manner.  Much of the course materials we provide are based on the book’s 22 chapters. In the eBook edition, there are over 200 hyperlinks to all key procurement documents.

Our Collateral

We can also provide access to our nine-module eLearning Public Procurement Training Excellence Programme – please contact us for details.

The nine modules cover:

Introduction to Tendering and Procurement
Sourcing Tenders
The EU Procurement Directives and National Rules
Framework Agreements
Bid Management Strategy
Pricing Strategies
Bid Writing
Producing a Tender Submission
Contract Management
Framework Agreements
Using eTenders
Tendering Under €25,000
Writing Technical Specifications
Tender Evaluations
Contract Management and Performance and Performance Management
Green Public Procurement CWMF

Procurement Procedures Manual

Contracting authorities are moving away from hard copy procurement procedures manuals. In anticipation, we have recorded the training sessions on the following topics that are also available as part of our commitment to the professionalisation of procurement.

Course Design

We design and deliver procurement training programme bespoke to the specific requirements of our clients. Here is an example of our industry standard – ProcureCompEU – intermediate course.

Procurement Basics

Introduction Principles of good procurement Ethics and Governance Corporate Procurement Planning Contract types Procurement procedures The role of the Procurement Officer/Unit CWMF (overview)

Procurement Policies and Guidance

OGP and EU Guidance DPER Circulars Compliance with general legislation Achieving value for money Risk assessment and management Developing a business case/Public Spending Code Procurement strategy Sourcing strategies and market engagement Brexit

Managing the Tender Process

Using eTenders Tender documentation Model forms and contracts eESPD Framework Agreements (including self-serve requirements) Dynamic Purchasing System

Writing Tender Specifications

Writing tender specifications Preparing RFT documentation Finding a benchmark tender Using OGP and other templates Below EU threshold competitions Setting selection and award criteria

Green Public Procurement

Applying EPA guidance GPP principles Circular Economy

Tender Evaluation

Evaluating tender submissions Remedies Directive Feedback and de-briefings Tender challenges Preparing contracts/Confidentiality Agreements Contract award Publishing a CAN

Contract Management

Contract management Performance measurement Service Level Agreements Article 84 procurement audit reports Contract Terms and Conditions