Procurement Know How
- Legislation (Directives, Regulations)
- Government Policy (Circulars etc.)
- Capital Works Management Frameworks for public works
- OGP’s Procurement Guidelines for good and services (December 2019)
- More detailed technical guidelines, template documentation and information notes as issued by the Office of Government Procurement (OGP).
Public Procurement is governed by EU and national rules. The National Public Procurement Policy Framework sets out the overarching policy framework for public procurement in Ireland and comprises five strands.
In addition, some recent Circulars, as follows, influence procurement decisions.
OGP has produced some really helpful tutorials covering matter such as:
- Government Policy (Circulars etc.)
- The OGP Framework Self-Serve model
- Running a DPS procurement
While these guidance notes are helpful to everyone undertaking a tender competition, in our experience there is a need to add more detailed guidance in some areas (for example using eTenders, writing technical specifications, evaluating tenders, and contract management) and to prepare an easy-to-use (and consolidated) Procurement Procedures Manual with supporting eLearning.
One key aspect of our commitment to know how transfer is our commitment o share our library of 40+ template documents and model forms with our clients and to provide bespoke training in their use.
We blog on procurement on a regular basis and you can find our latest posts here.