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Procurement for a greener environment

We are expanding our advisory and training services in the area of GPP in response to high demand. For example, we supporting public bodies to interpret the new EPA guidelines and to manage procurements using sustainable award criteria.

Green Public Procurements

We are expanding our advisory and training services in the area of GPP in response to high demand. For example, we supporting public bodies to interpret the new EPA guidelines and to manage procurements using sustainable award criteria; we are providing training at basic, intermediate and advanced level; and, assisting in the preparation of needs assessments that inform Corporate Procurement Plans.

Dr Peter Brennan is our lead subject matter expert. He is a board member of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland; he chaired the IIEA’s Climate Change Research Group for ten years; advised the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Change; lectured on a MSc Programme (DCU) on Sustainable Energy Finance; he is an approved trainer on GPP as part of Dublin Chamber’s Sustainability Academy; is an approved Enterprise Ireland advisor on GPP; and published the much acclaimed book Driving Investment in a Low-Carbon Economy that was peer reviewed by leading Irish practitioners.

Green Public Procurement

GPP, or sustainable procurement, will soon become mandatory.

The rules and the guidance provided by the EPA is complex to say the least. For example, contracting authorities have to interpret and then add technical specifications, selection and award criteria and contract performance clause for the following ten sectors.

Road Transport Vehicles and Services
Indoor and Outdoor Lighting
ICT Products and Services
Heating Equipment
Food and Catering Services
Energy Related Products
Cleaning Products and Services
Paper Products and Printing
Design, Construction and Management of Office Buildings
Textile Products and Services

At EU level (where GPP remains voluntary) additional rules apply for the following categories.

Data Centres, Server Rooms and Cloud Services
Electrical and Electronic Equipment used in the Healthcare Sector
Imaging Equipment and Consumables
Paints, Varnishes and Road Markings
Public Space Maintenance
Road Design, Construction and Maintenance
Road Lighting and Traffic Signals
Road Transport
Sanitary Tapware
Toilets and Urinals
Waste Water Infrastructure